Ministry Of Investment Promoti...
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud Awad (Somali: Maxamed Axmed Maxamuud Cawad) is a Somali p...
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamoud Awad (Somali: Maxamed Axmed Maxamuud Cawad) is a Somali p...
Mohamed Kahin Ahmed (Somali: Maxamed Kaahin Axmed) is a Somali politician and fo...
Suleiman Yusuf Ali (Koore) (Somali: Saleebaan Yuusuf Cali Koore) is a Somali pol...
Omar Ali Abdillahi (Somali: Cumar Cali Cabdillaahi) is a Somali politician, On 1...
Yasin Haji Mohamoud Hiir (Somali: Yaasiin Xaaji Maxamuud Xiir) also nown as Fara...
Dr. Saad Ali Shire Naleye (Somali: Dr. Sacad Cali Shire Naaleeye) is British-Som...
Shukri Haji Ismail Bandare (Somali: Shukri Xaaji Ismaaciil Baandare) is a Somali...
Ahmed Mumin Seed (Somali: Axmed Mumin Seed) is a Somali politician, who is curre...
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