Message from the Minister

Minister of Health Development

Dear Guests, Media Representatives

It is a pleasure for me to address the health community in this issue of the Somaliland Journal of Community Medicine on Noncommunicable Diseases and Universal Coverage.

The challenges Somaliland faces as a country are formidable, both in their number and in their complexity. Much has been written, for example, about the hard-to-overcome challenges in the field of mother and child health, including malnutrition and vaccine-preventable diseases. Despite our vast complexity, substantial investments in money and human resources are slowly improving the situation. Much the same can be said of water and sanitation issues.

- Minister Hassan Mohamed Ali-Gaafaadhi

About MOHD


Vision - An effective and sustainable Healthcare System for a happy society.

Mission - To enhance community health by providing comprehensive, innovative, and fair healthcare services as per international standards, and performing its role as a regulator and supervisor of the healthcare sector through a modern and integrated health legislative system.

Values - Patient Priority: Patients are at the center of our attention and care Excellence & leadership: Healthcare in line with highest standards of excellence & professionalism aiming at global leadership in health Initiative and productivity: Effective contribution and proactive approach to achieve best possible results

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