About Ministry
The MoHD has mandatory role of ensuring the development and decentralization of health service near to the community and the construction of health facilities and hospitals across the country as well their proper functioning and supervision. The mission, vision and gaol of MOHD Somaliland teamed with core values derived from National Health Policy. They aim to contribute achievement of health-related National development goals and Sustainable development goals as well
MoHD Vision
The Somaliland people enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and quality of life and have universal and equitable access to essential quality health services with a priority focus on maternal, neonatal and child health and nutrition, and on the prevention and control of high burden diseases and related risk factors
MoHD Mission
To create an enabling environment for the provision of socially acceptable, affordable, accessible, equitably distributed essential package of quality health care that responds to the need of the community, with special attention to the most vulnerable in the population and delivered in a sustainable way through a decentralized health system within Somaliland.
MoHD Goal
The ultimate goal of Ministry of Health development (MOHD) is to improve the health and Nutrition status of the population through health system strengthening interventions and provide quality, accessible, acceptable and affordable health services that facilitate moving towards universal health coverage (UHC) and accelerate progress towards achieving the health-related SDGs.
Core Values
The following values and principles provide the basis for the second Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP II):
- Universal and equitable access to acceptable, affordable, cost-effective, and quality health services with maximum impact on Somaliland populations’ health to ensure the realization of the right to health
- Effective, transparent and accountable governance and leadership in managing the different components of the health system with decentralized management of health care service delivery
- Building effective collaborative partnerships and coordination mechanisms engaging local community, national and international stakeholders and pursuing the aid effectiveness approaches
- Good quality services - well managed, sensibly integrated, available, accessible, accountable, affordable and sustainable (with a corresponding reduction in vertically-driven, standalone programmes and projects)
- Priority emphasis on reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles and health-seeking behaviour among the population
- Emphasis on prevention and control of priority communicable and non-communicable diseases, as well as on trauma and related injury
- Addressing the special needs of vulnerable groups, rural and pastoral communities
- Evidence-based interventions based on considered use of reliable health information
- Meaningful engagement and participation of citizens in the review, management and financing of health services
- Increased and more diverse public-private partnerships
- Implementation of health financing systems that promotes equitable access to priority health services.